Documento sonoro 0: Introducción
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- ARD/DS/0
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- Evelyn Uhrhan: The following recording is an interview with Francisca Sánchez, the “compañera of Rubén Darío” of whom he wrote “Francisca Sánchez, acompáñame”. It was made in June 1957 at Francisca Sánchez’s home, Plaza de Coimbra, number 10, [...], Madrid, Spain, [...] only six months after she had donated to the government of Spain the thousands of [...], including personal letters, bills and so forth, she had preserved for more than 40 years since his death. The recording was made with a portable tape recorder and a hand microphone in the dining room of her home. In the background can be heard the ordinary noises of family as it goes quietly about its affairs [...], ticking of the wall clock and the school children at play in the plaza across the street. The interview was planned and carried out by the speaker Evelyn Uhrhan Irving, at that time head of the Foreing Languages Department, South Dakota State College, Brookings. Dr. Antonio Oliver, professor of the University of Madrid and director of the Seminario-Archivo Rubén Darío, is the voice interviewing Francisca Sánchez. The recording, as well as the questions, are completely unrehearsed.
- entrevistado
- Sánchez del Pozo, Francisca
- entrevistador
- Olivier, Antonio